I’m a Human-Computer Interaction researcher. Associate Professor at Aalborg University.
I am an Associate Professor at Aalborg University’s Human-Centred Computing group. My research interests lay in Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing, and Ubiquitous Computing. In particular, I have focused on self-report studies (e.g., Experience Sampling Method), online crowdsourcing, Human-AI interaction, and AI fairness. Please see my publication overview for more details.
I previously held positions at University College London’s Interaction Centre, the University of Melbourne’s Interaction Design Lab, and the University of Oulu’s Center for Ubiquitous Computing. Find my up-to-date CV here.
Latest news
- October 2021: We are hiring two PhD candidates on HCI + Human-AI. One position on clinical training and one on drones for search and rescue. Application deadline November 23.
- July 2021: I have been promoted to Associate Professor at the Human-Centred Computing Group at Aalborg University.
- May 2021: Hope to see you all online at CHI 2021, where I will present our paper Effect of Information Presentation on Fairness Perceptions of Machine Learning Predictors.
- January 2021: Join for our seminar at the Nordic Observatory of Artificial Intelligence on January 12: What can government policies tell us about the future implementation of AI technology?.
- October 2020: I will attend the online NordiCHI conference to present our Analysis of National Artificial Intelligence Policies. See our blog post for a short description.
- February 2020: After a lot of hard work, our paper ‘Modeling interaction as a complex system‘ is published in the HCI journal. We adopt and extend empirical dynamic modelling to better understand the interactions between technology and users.
- January 2020: Very excited to join the Human-Centred Computing group at Aalborg University as an Assistant Professor.
- September 2019: My PhD thesis, ‘Data Quality and Quantity in Mobile Experience Sampling‘ is now available online.